研究会 (2007 年 11 月 12 日)

SICE 九州支部 制御理論と応用に関する研究会 共催
日時: 11/12(月) 14:00〜18:00
場所: アクロス福岡 503 会議室

講演: 1. Behavior に基づくシステム制御理論
   (京都大学 鷹羽浄嗣, 14:00〜15:45)
   2. Input-to-State Stability of Retarded Nonlinear Systems
   (Prof. Pierdomenico Pepe, University of L'Aquila, 16:00〜17:45)

懇親会: あらんどろん (18:00〜, 福岡市中央区天神 2-14-38-2F, tel: 092-781-1737)

参加者: P. Pepe (Univ. of L'Aquila), 鷹羽(京大),
    松尾(大分大), 川邊(九大), 延山, 伊藤, 瀬部(以上九工大)


1. Behaviorに基づくシステム理論は,システムを入出力作用素

2. The notions of input-to-state stability (ISS) and integral input-to-state 
   stability (iISS) have had a great impact on the analysis and synthesis of 
   nonlinear delay-free systems. It is very natural to believe that 
   these concepts will play an important role also in the case of 
   retarded nonlinear systems. In this seminar a general tool, based on 
   Liapunov-Krasovskii functionals, for checking the ISS and the iISS of 
   retarded nonlinear systems is presented. A Liapunov-Krasovskii theorem 
   for an integral input/state estimate which, different from the past 
   literature, takes into account nonzero initial conditions, is presented 
   too. Technical problems, as far as the absolute continuity of the 
   functional evaluated at the solution and the equality of functional 
   derivatives in the time domain and in the state space domain, are shown and 
   solved. First results concerning the input-to-state stabilizability of 
   stabilizable retarded nonlinear systems, affected by disturbances adding 
   to the control law, are shown. An application to the study of the ISS of
   a stirred tank chemical reactor in closed loop with a nonlinear 
   controller is presented and the effectiveness of the previous 
   Liapunov-Krasovskii tool is shown. 

Last modified: Wed Nov 14 16:49:17 JST 2007