研究会 (2009 年 09 月 04 日)

SICE 九州支部 制御理論と応用に関する研究会 共催
日時: 09/04(金) 14:00〜18:00

場所: 九州工業大学天神サテライトキャンパス kyutech プラザ

講演1: Dissipativity and Robot Swarms
      (Prof. Randy Freeman, Northwestern University, USA; 14:00〜16:00)

講演2: Nonlinear Dynamics Estimation of CAM Plants by Zero Order 
       Approximation of Slow Manifold (日本語)
      (松尾孝美, 大分大学; 16:10〜17:40)
懇親会: 雑魚屋 (18:00〜 福岡市中央区天神 2-14-8 福岡天神センタービルB1, tel: 092-736-8351)
参加者: Prof. Freeman, 松尾(大分大), 水本(熊本大), 千田(信州大), 中村(奈良先端), 
        劉(千葉大), 西村(山口大), 伊藤(九工大)

問合わせ: 伊藤博 hiroshi(a)ces.kyutech.ac.jp



1. Dissipativity theory has been the centerpiece of much of advanced
   control system design and analysis for over thirty years. In this
   talk, we will explore how the theory contributes to the design of
   robustly stable mobile robot coordination systems. In such systems,
   each robot acts on local information (obtained from its sensors and
   from wireless communication with its neighbors) with the goal of
   achieving some group objective, such as target tracking, formation
   control, or environmental monitoring.  We will highlight our recent
   advances in algorithm development and stability and convergence
   analysis, and we will also show experimental results for a particular
   formation control task.

   Speaker's biographcal sketch: 
   Randy Freeman joined Northwestern in 1996 after receiving his Ph.D. 
   in Electrical Engineering from the University of California at 
   Santa Barbara. He received the National Science Foundation CAREER 
   Award in 1997. He has served as Associate Editor of the IEEE 
   Control Systems Society Conference Editorial Board since 1997, has 
   served on Program Committees for the IEEE Conference on Decision 
   and Control and the American Control Conference, and he served on 
   the Operating Committee of the 2000 American Control Conference. He 
   has also served as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on 
   Automatic Control. His research interests include nonlinear control 
   theory, optimal control theory, and robust and adaptive control 

2. The mechanism of endogenous circadian photosynthesis oscillations 
   of plants performing crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is 
   investigated in terms of a nonlinear theoretical model. Blasius 
   et al. used throughout continuous time differential equations 
   which mode adequately reflect the CAM dynamics. They showed that 
   the membrane effectively acts as a hysteresis switch regulating 
   the oscillations. The model shows regular endogenous limit cycle 
   oscillations that are stable for a wide range of temperatures, in 
   a manner that complies well with experimental data. The circadian 
   period length is explained simply in terms of the filling time of 
   the vacuole. In this seminar, we discuss the nonlinear dynamical 
   model of CAM from the control theoretical viewpoint. In particular, 
   I will present an adaptive observer to estimate the states and the 
   nonlinear function in the dynamics of the tonoplast order with a 
   zero order approximation of a slow manifold. The zero order 
   approximation of the slow manifold is obtained by fitting with a 
   2nd order polynomial in a certain temperature. The simulation 
   results show that the proposed observer has an enough performance 
   in other temperatures.

Last modified: Thu Sep 17 14:18:27 JST 2009