研究会 (2013 年 03 月 09 日)

日豪若手研究者交流促進事業, マイマクロ調和ダイナミクス設計論研究会, SICE 九州支部 制御理論と応用に関する研究会 協賛
日時: 03/09(土) 9:30〜10:45

場所: サンライフ第3ビル 1F 貸会議室1
   分かりにくいかもしれませんので 地図を利用下さい。すぐ見える車出入口の奥にある「台湾料理台北」の左横がビル入口です。まっすぐ入って右側の「長崎ちゃんぽん新地」奥隣が貸会議室1です。

講演1: Input-to-state stability and related notions
       (Prof. Christopher Kellett, University of Newcastle, Australia; 9:30〜10:45)
       (クリストファー ケレット, ニューキャッスル大学)

問合わせ先: 伊藤博 http://palm.ces.kyutech.ac.jp/~hiroshi


1. Many different concepts have been proposed, studied, and used when 
   considering stability and/or performance of control systems. Most 
   frequently, these concepts involve bounds on the size of system 
   trajectories. Quantifying size by using different norms is one way 
   in which many stability and performance concepts apparently differ. 
   We may also consider systems with inputs, outputs, both of these, 
   or neither. Furthermore, it is possible to consider different 
   relationships amongst inputs, outputs, and states. Many, if not 
   most, of these relationships provide insight into the behavior of 
   the system under study. In this talk we will provide an 
   introduction to the input-to-state stability (ISS) framework and 
   specifically examine several variants of ISS and L2-gain and 
   explore relationships between, and generalizations of, these 

 Speaker's biographcal sketch: 

   Christopher M. Kellett (クリストファー ケレット) received the 
   Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics from 
   the University of California, Riverside and the Master of Science 
   and Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering 
   from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He subsequently 
   held research positions with the Centre Automatique et Systemes at 
   Ecole des Mines de Paris, the Department of Electrical and 
   Electronic Engineering at the University of Melbourne, Australia, 
   and the Hamilton Institute at the National University of Ireland, 
   Maynooth. Since 2006, A/Prof. Kellett has been with the School of 
   Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of 
   Newcastle, Australia where he is currently an Australian Research 
   Council Future Fellow.  In 2012, A/Prof. Kellett was awarded a 
   Humboldt Research Fellowship funded by the Alexander von Humboldt 
   Foundation, Germany.

Last modified: Sat Jan 11 15:40:47 JST 2014