研究会 (2019 年 12 月 21 日)

共催:SICE 九州支部 制御理論と応用に関する研究会

日時: 12/21(土) 13:30〜17:30 (開場 13:00)

場所: アクロス福岡 501 会議室
   (九州工業大学のサテライトではありません. ご注意を.)

講演1: 人間の行動・意思決定を含むシステムに対する制御理論の開拓と展開
    (井上正樹, 慶應義塾大学; 13:30〜15:15)

講演2: Hankel-type Lq/Lp Induced Norms of Positive Systems Across Switching and Application
    (蛯原義雄, 九州大学; 15:30〜17:15)

懇親会: 18:15〜 天神酒場ぬくぬく家

    福岡市中央区天神2-3-36 ibbフクオカ1F
    tel: 092-739-1333

参加者: 井上(慶大), 蛯原, 和田, 川邊(以上九大), 細江(京大), 佐伯(広大), 西村(鹿児島大),
    岡島(熊大), 永原(北九大), 畑田(福大), 延山, 大屋, 伊藤, 福井, 瀬部(以上九工大)


問合せ先: 瀬部昇 (sebe[a]ai.kyutech.ac.jp)


1. どれほど自動制御・AI技術が発展したとしても,制御・管理システムから人間の

2. The Hankel-type Lq/Lp induced norms across a single switching
   over two linear time-invariant (LTI) positive systems are discussed.  
   The norms are defined as the induced norms from vector-valued Lp-past
   inputs to vector valued Lq-future outputs across a switching at the
   time instant zero. The Hankel-type L2/L2 induced norm across a single
   switching for general LTI systems is studied in details to evaluate 
   the performance deterioration caused by switching. Thanks to the
   strong positivity property, we successfully characterize the Hankel-type
   Lq/Lp induced norms for the positive system switching even for p, q
   being 1, 2, infinity. In particular, we will show that some of them
   are given in the form of linear program and semidefinite program,   
   the former of which enables us to synthesize the induced-norm-optimal-
   parameters by solving geometric programming problems (GPs).
   We illustrate the effectiveness of the GP-based-synthesis method 
   by applying it to the optimal parameter tuning problem of the
   Foschini-Miljanic algorithm for power control in wireless network

Last modified: Thu Jun 1 23:20:48 JST 2023