- Kana Shikada and Noboru Sebe,
Similarities and differences between exosystem-model-based disturbance
observer and model error compensator,
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration,
to appear.
doi: 10.1080/18824889.2024.2391624
- Masayuki Sato and Noboru Sebe,
Observer-structured controller for linear parametric plant,
Automatica, Vol.163, Article 111569, 2024.
doi: 10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111569
- Keita Hara, Masaki Inoue and Noboru Sebe,
Dissipativity-constrained learning of MPC
with guaranteeing closed-loop stability,
Automatica, Vol.157, Article 11271, 2023.
doi: 10.1016/j.automatica.2023.111271
- Masaaki Nagahara, Yu Iwai and Noboru Sebe,
Projection onto the Set of Rank-Constrained Structured Matrices
for Reduced-Order Controller Design,
Algorithms, 15, 322, 2022.
doi: 10.3390/a15090322
- Masayuki Sato and Noboru Sebe,
Conversion from Unstructured LTI Controllers
to Observer-Structured Ones for LPV Systems,
Frontiers in Control Engineering, 3:804549,
doi: 10.3389/fcteg.2022.804549
- 佐藤昌之, 瀬部昇,
計測自動制御学会論文集, 58-5, pp.255-261, 2022.
doi: 10.9746/sicetr.58.255
- 佐藤昌之, 瀬部昇,
計測自動制御学会論文集, 58-2, pp. 100-104, 2022.
doi: 10.9746/sicetr.58.100
- Hayato Waki, Yoshio Ebihara and Noboru Sebe,
Reduction of SISO H-infinity output feedback control problem,
Linear Algebra and its Applications,
610-1, pp.321-378, 2021.
doi: 10.1016/j.laa.2020.09.034
- Hayato Waki and Noboru Sebe,
Characterization of the dual problem of linear matrix inequality
for H-infinity output feedback control problem via facial reduction,
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems,
32-3, pp.361-384, 2020.
doi: 10.1007/s00498-020-00261-z
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
A safety assessment framework of control systems according
to international standards,
Asian Journal of Control, 22-5, pp.1741-1754, 2020.
doi: 10.1002/asjc.2131
- Hayato Waki and Noboru Sebe,
Reduction of H∞ state feedback control problems
for the MIMO servo systems,
Asian Journal of Control, 22-3, pp.1025-1037, 2020.
doi: 10.1002/asjc.1985
- Yoshio Ebihara, Noboru Sebe, and Hayato Waki,
On Gain-Scheduled State-Feedback Controller Synthesis
With Quadratic Stability Condition,
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 4-3, pp.662-667, 2020.
doi: 10.1109/LCSYS.2020.2991480
- Katherin Indriawati, Tulus Indra Hermawan, and Noboru Sebe,
Fault Tolerant Method on Position Cascade Control of DC Servo System,
Mechatronic Systems and Control, 48-2, pp.144-151, 2020.
doi: 10.2316/J.2020.201-0094
- 蛯原義雄, 瀬部昇, 増淵泉, 脇隼人, 管野政明, 椿野大輔,
システム制御情報学会論文誌, 32-7, pp.284-293, 2019.
doi: 10.5687/iscie.31.75
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Switching L2 gain for evaluating
the fluctuations in transient responses
after an unpredictable system switch,
International Journal of Control, 92-5, pp.1084-1093, 2019.
doi: 10.1080/00207179.2017.1381884
- Hayato Waki and Noboru Sebe,
Application of Facial Reduction to H∞
State Feedback Control Problem,
International Journal of Control, 92-2, pp.303-316, 2019.
doi: 10.1080/00207179.2017.1351625
- 蛯原義雄, 瀬部昇, 増淵泉, 脇隼人, 管野政明, 椿野大輔,
システム制御情報学会論文誌, 31-2, pp.75-84, 2018.
doi: 10.5687/iscie.31.75
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Controller Reset Strategy for Anti-Windup Based on Switching L2 Gain Analysis,
Asian Journal of Control, 19-6, pp.1877-1890, 2017.
- Katherin Indriawati, Noboru Sebe, Trihastuti Agustinah, Achmad Jazidie,
Robust Fuzzy Observer-Based Fault Tolerant Tracking Control
for Nonlinear Systems with Simultaneous Actuator and Sensor Faults:
Application to a DC Series Motor Speed Drive,
International Review of Automatic Control,
8-6, pp.375-385, 2015.
- Yoshio Ebihara and Noboru Sebe,
Lower bound analysis of H∞ performance
achievable via decentralized LTI controllers,
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,
24-16, pp.2423-2437, 2014.
- 陶山貢市, 瀬部昇,
電子情報通信学会論文誌(A), J94-A-5, pp.350-361, 2011.
- Noboru Sebe and Koichi Suyama,
L2 gain analysis of linear systems
with a single switching,
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,
23-8, pp.827-837, 2011.
- 陶山貢市, 瀬部昇,
システム制御情報学会論文集, 23-4, pp.65-73, 2010.
- 陶山貢市, 瀬部昇,
システム制御情報学会論文集, 22-1, pp.29-36, 2009.
- 陶山貢市, 瀬部昇,
システム制御情報学会論文集, 21-3, pp.89-99, 2008.
- Noboru Sebe,
Unification of Independent and Sequential Procedures
for Decentralized Controller Design,
43-4, pp.707-713, 2007.
- 瀬部昇, 延山英沢, 高田昌二, 宮元慎一,
システム制御情報学会論文集, 19-9, pp.365-367, 2006.
- Noboru Sebe,
Explicit characterization of decentralized coprime factors,
40-9, pp.1569-1574, 2004.
- Yoshiro Hamada, Seiichi Shin and Noboru Sebe,
Quadratic Stability Conditions of Linear Systems
with Frobenius Norm-Bounded Diagonal Perturbations,
Transactions of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers,
36-8, pp.720-722, 2000.
- 赤松貴文,瀬部昇,北森俊行,
むだ時間を含む1次遅れ系に対する PID 制御器の
システム制御情報学会論文集, 13-1, pp. 46-52, 2000.
- Noboru Sebe,
A Design of Controllers
for Simultaneous H∞ Control Problem,
International Journal of Systems Science,
30-1, pp.25-31, 1999.
計測自動制御学会論文集, 34-9, pp. 1184-1190, 1998.
計測自動制御学会論文集, 32-3, pp. 329-335, 1996.
計測自動制御学会論文集, 31-12, pp. 1930-1935, 1995.
計測自動制御学会論文集,31-6, pp. 743-750, 1995.
計測自動制御学会論文集,30-12, pp. 1474-1483, 1994.
計測自動制御学会論文集,29-3, pp. 365-367, 1993.
計測自動制御学会論文集,28-12, pp. 1436-1443. 1992.
計測自動制御学会論文集,24-12, pp. 1337-1339, 1988.
- Kento Yoshikami and Noboru Sebe,
A Numerical Method for Scaled H∞ Control Problems
Based on Approximation of Inverse of Positive Definite Matrix,
Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2024,
Kochi, Japan, Aug. 27-30, pp.967-972, 2024.
- Reiji Kawakami, Kana Shikada, Noboru Sebe and Masayuki Sato,
A Design of H∞ Controllers
Achieving Type 2 Sensitivity Characteristics in Type 1 Servo Systems,
Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2024,
Kochi, Japan, Aug. 27-30, pp.973-979, 2024.
- Kotaro Kamewari, Kana Shikada, Noboru Sebe, Masayuki Sato and Ikuro Mizumoto,
Estimation of Scheduling Parameters by Disturbance Observer,
Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2024,
Kochi, Japan, Aug. 27-30, pp.980-985, 2024.
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Switching L2 Gain for Evaluating the Fluctuations
Around an Output of a Specified Transfer Property,
2024 European Control Conference (ECC),
Stockholm, Sweden, Jun. 25-28, pp. 3306-3311, 2024.
doi: 10.23919/ECC64448.2024.10591052
- Kana Shikada and Noboru Sebe,
State space analysis of the relation between
two types of disturbance observers,
2024 SICE International Symposium on Control Systems,
Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan, March 17-20, 2024.
doi: 10.23919/SICEISCS60954.2024.10505753
- Yoshio Ebihara, Noboru Sebe, Hayato Waki and Tomomichi Hagiwara,
Lower Bound Analysis of Lp+
Induced Norm for LTI Systems,
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56-2, pp.2425-2430, 2023.
doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.1218
- Koichi Suyama, Rinka Miura and Noboru Sebe,
Dependability Management of Control Systems Via Controller Design,
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56-2, pp.5542-5547, 2023.
doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.451
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Support Technology for Preventive Maintenance of Control Systems
Based on Fail-Soft Concept,
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56-2, pp.5566-5572, 2023.
doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.458
- Masayuki Sato and Noboru Sebe,
A Variant of Extended LMI: Performance Analysis
with Static Multiplier for Discrete-Time Lifted Systems,
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56-2, pp.5825-5830, 2023.
doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.074
- Kana Shikada, Noboru Sebe and Masayuki Sato,
Robustness of Disturbance Observer Based Servo Systems,
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 56-2, pp.11570-11577, 2023.
doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.454
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Switching L2 gain
for analyzing successive system switches,
2023 European Control Conference (ECC),
Bucharest, Romania, Jun. 13-16,
pp.2239-2244, 2023.
doi: 10.23919/ECC57647.2023.10178211
- Kana Shikada and Noboru Sebe,
Relation between Disturbance Observer and Model Error Compensator,
2023 SICE International Symposium on Control Systems,
Kusatsu, Japan, Mar. 9-11, 2M1-1 (6 pages), 2023.
doi: 10.23919/SICEISCS57194.2023.10079207
- Masayuki Sato and Noboru Sebe,
Conversion From Unstructured LPV Controllers to Observer-Structured LPV Controllers,
2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),
Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 6-9, pp.3297-3302, 2022.
doi: 10.1109/CDC51059.2022.9992585
- Honoka Shimatate, Kana Shikada and Noboru Sebe,
Reduction of steady-state error for a ramp input
in type 1 servo systems,
Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2022,
Kumamoto, Japan (online), Sep. 6-9, pp.924-929, 2022.
doi: 10.23919/SICE56594.2022.9905769
- Masayuki Sato and Noboru Sebe,
Design of Observer-Structured H∞
Flight Controllers Converted from Unstructured Conventional
H∞ Flight Controllers,
10th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND2022),
Aug. 30-Sept 2, Kyoto, Japan (Online), pp.20-25, 2022.
- Kana Shikada, Noboru Sebe and Masayuki Sato,
Selection of the estimation model for robust observer-based controller
against plant uncertainties,
10th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND2022),
Aug. 30-Sept 2, Kyoto, Japan (Online), pp.232-237, 2022.
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Augmented switching L2 gain for evaluating
the smoothness of transient responses after a system switch,
2022 European Control Conference (ECC),
London, United Kingdom, Jul. 12-15,
pp.1089-1094, 2022.
- Yoshio Ebihara, Hayato Motooka, Hayato Waki, Noboru Sebe,
Victor Magron, Dimitri Peaucelle, and Sophie Tarbouriech,
L2+ Induced Norm Analysis
of Continuous-Time LTI Systems Using Positive Filters
and Copositive Programming,
2022 European Control Conference (ECC),
London, United Kingdom, Jul. 12-15,
pp.1377-1382, 2022.
- Jiulin Zhu and Noboru Sebe,
Development of Support Programs for Solving BMI Problems
by Overbounding Approximation Method,
2022 SICE International Symposium on Control Systems,
Tokyo, Japan (online), Mar. 8-10, 1A1-2 (7 pages), 2022.
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Design of safe preventive maintenance procedure for control systems,
5th Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems,
St Raphaël, France, Sep. 29-Oct. 1, pp.37-43, 2021.
- Aki Nakamura, Noboru Sebe, Shuichi Enokida, and Eitaku Nobuyama,
A Dense Optical Flow Estimation Based on Dynamical System Approach
under Intensity Variation Violating the Conservation Law,
Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2021,
Tokyo, Japan (online), Sep. 8-10, pp.471-476, 2021.
IEEE xplore
- Kana Shikada, Noboru Sebe, and Masayuki Sato,
Robust Observer-Based Controller against Plant Uncertainties,
Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2021,
Tokyo, Japan (online), Sep. 8-10, pp.1193-1198, 2021.
IEEE xplore
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Safety design of control systems according to international standards,
2021 European Control Conference (ECC),
Rotterdam, Netherlands (online), Jun. 29 - Jul. 2,
p.1305-1310, 2021.
- Yoshio Ebihara, Noboru Sebe, and Hayato Waki,
On Gain-Scheduled State-Feedback Controller Synthesis
with Quadratic Stability Condition,
Proc. of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Jeju Island, Republic of Korea (online), Dec. 14-18, 6 pages, 2020.
- Aki Nakamura, Noboru Sebe, Shuichi Enokida, and Eitaku Nobuyama,
A New Optical Flow Estimation Based on Dynamical System Approach
with Intensity Variation Violating the Conservation Law,
Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2020,
Chiang Mai, Thailand (online), pp.967-972, 2020.
- Kyohei Azumi and Noboru Sebe,
Improvement of Convergence of the Overbounding Approximation Method
for BMI Problems by Regularization Term,
Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2020,
Chiang Mai, Thailand (online), pp.1880-1885, 2020.
- Kana Shikada, Noboru Sebe, Koichi Suyama, and Katherin Indriawati,
Robust Fault-Tolerant Servo System against Sensor Failure
and Plant Uncertainties,
Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2020,
Chiang Mai, Thailand (online), pp.1886-1891, 2020.
- Keita Hara, Masaki Inoue, Noboru Sebe,
Learning Koopman Operator under Dissipativity Constraints,
21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany (online),
6 pages, 2020.
(IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53-2, pp.1169-1174, 2020)
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Initial state design for suppressing
undesirable effects of controller switches,
21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany (online),
7 pages, 2020.
(IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53-2, pp.6452-6458, 2020)
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Initial State Design for Controller Switches
by Using State-Dependent Switching L2 Gain,
Proceedings of 2019 European Control Conference,
June 25-28, Naples, Italy, pp.1257-1262, 2019.
- Soji Kayo, Akiko Nohmi, Noboru Sebe and Masayuki Sato,
Minimal Order Observer Based H-Infinity Controller Design
Based on Overbounding Approximation Method,
Proceedings of Asian Control Conference 2019,
June 9-12, Kitakyushu, Japan, pp.167-172, 2019.
IEEE xplore
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
State-Dependent Switching L2 Gain
for Analyzing the Fluctuations in Transient Responses
after a System Switch,
57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Miami Beach, FL, USA, December 17-19, pp.6263-6268, 2018.
- Tomoki Okayama and Noboru Sebe,
Search Direction in Successive Linearization
of Bilinear Matrix Inequality Problems,
2018 International Conference on Information
and Communication Technology Robotics,
Busan, Korea, September 6-8, 2018.
- Noboru Sebe,
Sequential Convex Overbounding Approximation Method
for Bilinear Matrix Inequality Problems,
9th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND'18),
Florianopolis, Brazil, September 3-5, pp.175-182, 2018.
(IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51-25, pp.102-109, 2018)
- Kodai Nakano, Noboru Sebe, Sae Deguchi and Koichi Suyama,
State assignment method for improvement of transient response caused
by controller switching,
9th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design (ROCOND'18),
Florianopolis, Brazil, September 3-5, pp.513-518, 2018.
(IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51-25, pp.365-370, 2018)
- Yuta Akiyoshi, Noboru Sebe, Shuichi Enokida and Eitaku Nobuyama,
Improving the Accuracy of Dynamical System Based Optical Flow Estimation
by Central Difference Discretization of Time Derivative,
4th International Conference on Machine Vision and Machine Learning (MVML'18),
Madrid, Spain, August 21-23, MVML107 (7 pages), 2018.
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Control System Design for Safely Performing Preventive Maintenance,
14th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation,
Anchorage, U.S.A., June 12-15, pp.1087-1094, 2018.
- Hayato Waki and Noboru Sebe,
Strong Feasibility of the Dual Problem of Linear Matrix Inequality
for H∞ Output Feedback Control Problem,
SICE International Symposium on Control Systems 2018,
Tokyo, Japan, March 9-11, 7 pages, 2018.
- Tomoki Tada, Yuya Izumiguchi and Noboru Sebe,
Effectiveness of Higher Order Controllers for Uncertain Systems,
11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC2017),
Gold Coast, Australia, December 17-20, pp.582-587, 2017.
- Mai Ichikawa, Noboru Sebe, Koichi Suyama and Katherin Indriawati,
A Bias Fault Estimation of Actuators and Sensors
by Optimization with l0 norm Constraint,
11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC2017),
Gold Coast, Australia, December 17-20, pp.1443-1448, 2017.
- Hayato Waki and Noboru Sebe,
Reduction of H∞ state feedback control problems for the servo systems,
11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC2017),
Gold Coast, Australia, December 17-20, pp.2244-2249, 2017.
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Support technology for safe preventive maintenace of control systems,
Preprints of the 20th IFAC World Congress,
Toulouse, France, July 9-14, pp.10858-10865, 2017.
(IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50-1, pp.10369-10376, 2017)
- Yuya Michishita, Noboru Sebe, Shuichi Enokida and Eitaku Nobuyama,
Simultaneous Estimation of Optical Flow and its Boundaries
based on the dynamical system model,
12th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory
and Applications,
Porto, Portugal, February 27 - March 1, pp.377-385, 2017.
- Hayato Waki, Yoshio Ebihara and Noboru Sebe,
Reduction of SDPs in H∞ Control of SISO Systems
and Performance Limitations Analysis,
Proc. of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, December 12-14, pp.646-651, 2016.
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Switching L2 Gain for Analyzing the Magnitude of a System Switch,
Proc. of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, December 12-14, pp.6395-6402, 2016.
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Evaluation of the ease of restarts in fault-tolerant control systems
using multiple switching L2 gains,
Proc. of the 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society,
Firenze, Italy, October 24-27, TTC-CSA4-6, 8 pages, 2016.
- Yoshio Ebihara, Hayato Waki and Noboru Sebe,
Dual LMI Approach to H∞ Performance Limitations Analysis
of Sensitivity and Complementary Sensitivity Functions,
Proc. of the IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control,
Buenos Aires, Algentina, September 19-22, pp.1440-1445, 2016.
- Yoshio Ebihara, Hayato Waki and Noboru Sebe,
H∞ Performance Limitations Analysis for SISO Systems:
A Dual LMI Approach,
54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, pp.6629-6634, 2015.
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Tolerance against multiple fault modes
and its application to corrective maintenance
of faulty actuators in servo systems,
20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies
and Factory Automation,
Luxembourg, September 8-11, paper ID: 9 (8 pages), 2015.
- Hayato Waki and Noboru Sebe,
Application of Facial Reduction to H∞ State Feedback Control Problem,
8th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design,
Bratislava, Slovak, July 8-11, pp.112-118, 2015.
(IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48-14, pp.113-119, 2015)
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
New Switching L2 Gain Analysis for a Restart with Controller Resets after Maintenance,
8th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design,
Bratislava, Slovak, July 8-11, pp.348-355, 2015.
(IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48-14, pp.349-356, 2015)
- Shogo Katsuki and Noboru Sebe,
Rotation Matrix Optimization with Quaternion,
Proceedings of Asian Control Conference 2015,
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, June 1-3,
paper ID:1570074907 (6 pages), 2015.
- Kenta Toyoda, Noboru Sebe and Koichi Suyama,
Effects of Diagonal Dominance on Performance of Passive Fault Tolerant Servo Systems,
Proceedings of Asian Control Conference 2015,
Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, June 1-3,
paper ID:1570074897 (6 pages), 2015.
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Fault-tolerant servo systems using integrators with variable limits,
Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation,
September 16-19, Barcelona, Spain, 8 pages, 2014.
- Noboru Sebe and Koichi Suyama,
Passive Fault Tolerant Servo Control against
One Device Failure Out of Sensors and Actuators,
Proceedings of 2014 European Control Conference,
June 24-27, Strasbourg, France, pp.644-651, 2014.
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Dependability Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Servo Systems
Using Limited Integrators,
Proceedings of 2014 European Control Conference,
June 24-27, Strasbourg, France, pp.652-659, 2014.
- Noboru Sebe, Kohei Sumida and Koichi Suyama,
A Design of Fault-Tolerant Servo Systems against Sensor Failures,
2nd International Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems,
October 9-11, Nice, France, pp.208-215, 2013.
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Fault-tolerant servo systems against sensor failures
using limited integrators,
Proceedings of 2013 European Control Conference,
Zürich, Switzerland, July 17-19, pp.3796-3802, 2013.
- Noboru Sebe and Koichi Suyama,
Fault-Tolerant Servo Systems against Actuator Failures,
Proceedings of 7th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design,
Aalborg, Denmark, June 20-22, pp.499-504, 2012.
(IFAC-PapersOnLine, 45-13, pp.505-510, 2012)
- Tomoya Fukami, Shuichi Enokida, Noboru Sebe and Eitaku Nobuyama,
Quasi-Dense Optical Flow Estimation
Based on Dynamical System Models,
Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2011,
Tokyo, September 13-18, pp.802-811, 2011.
IEEE Xplore
- Koichi Suyama and Noboru Sebe,
Probabilistic safety management of control laws
against deviation from normal operating-range,
2010 Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems,
Nice, October 6-8, pp.442-449, 2010.
- Yoshio Ebihara and Noboru Sebe,
Decentralized Control for Discrete-Time LTI Systems:
Lower Bound Analysis of H∞ Performance
Achievable Via LTI Controllers,
2010 American Control Conference,
Baltimore, June 30-July 2, pp.5602-5607, 2010.
- Noboru Sebe,
New LMI Characterizations for Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems
and Application to Multiobjective Control System Synthesis,
17th IFAC World Congress,
Seoul, July 6-11, pp.8821-8827, 2008.
(IFAC-PapersOnLine, 41-2, pp.8821-8826, 2008)
- Noboru Sebe,
A New Dilated LMI Characterization
and Iterative Control System Synthesis,
11th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Systems:
Theory and Applications (LSS 2007),
Gdańsk, July 23-25, 6 pages, 2007.
(IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 40-9, pp.250-255, 2007)
- Hiroyuki Inagaki, Hiroaki Kato, Noboru Sebe,
Development of Motor Control for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
using Gain-Scheduled H∞ Control,
2007 SAE World Congress, Detroit, April 16-19, 2007.
- Noboru Sebe,
Structure of state feedback with k-out-of-m integrity,
5th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design,
Toulouse, July 5-7, 6 pages, 2006.
(IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 39-9, pp.459-464, 2006)
- Noboru Sebe,
Low gain property of rank deficient state feedback gain
with k-out-of-m integrity,
3rd International Symposium on Systems and Human Science:
Complex Systems Approaches for Safety, Security and Reliability (SSR2006),
Vienna, March 6-8, 6 pages, 2006.
- Noboru Sebe,
Rank deficiency of reliable controllers,
10th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Systems:
Theory and Applications (LSS 2004),
Osaka, July 26-28, pp.542-547, 2004.
(IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 37-11, pp.533-538, 2004)
- Noboru Sebe,
A study on the structure of reliable controllers,
16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems
Leuven, July 5-9, 6 pages, 2004.
- Noboru Sebe,
A unified approach to decentralized controller design,
Proceedings of 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Maui, December 9-12, pp.1086-1091, 2003.
- Noboru Sebe,
Structure of reliable controllers,
Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Systems and Human Science
--For safety, security, and Dependability-- (SSR2003),
Osaka, November 19-20, pp.167-172, 2003.
- Akinori Mochimaru and Noboru Sebe,
Fault tolerant control with integrity,
Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2003,
Fukui, August 4-6, pp.2547-2552, 2003.
IEEE Xplore
- Noboru Sebe,
Explicit characterization of decentralized coprime factors,
Proceedings of 15th IFAC World Congress,
Barcelona, July 21-26, 6 pages, 2002.
(IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 35-1, pp.273-278, 2002)
- Hiroyuki Inagaki, Hiroaki Kato, Hideki Kuzuya,
Masanori Sugiyama, Kenji Ikeda, and Noboru Sebe,
Drive Train Vibration and Acoustic Noise Reduction Control
of Switched Reluctance Motor for Electric Vehicle,
Future Car Congress 2002, Arlington, June 3-5, 2002.
- Noboru Sebe,
A characterization of solutions to the inverse H∞
optimal control problem,
Proceedings of 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
pp.273-278, Orlando, December 4-7, 2001.
- Yasutaka Tokunaga, Takafumi Akamatsu and Noboru Sebe,
Series representation of systems
and its application to robust controller design,
14th International Symposium of
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2000),
Perpignan, France, June 19-23, 2000.
- Noboru Sebe,
Decentralized H∞ Controller Design,
Proceedings of 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Tampa, December 16-18, pp.2810-2815, 1998.
- Noboru Sebe,
A Design of Controllers
for Simultaneous H∞ Control Problem,
Proceedings of 2nd Asian Control Conference, Seoul,
July 22-25, II, pp.583-586, 1997.
- Ryosuke Koshiba, Seiichi Shin and Noboru Sebe,
Relationship Between Decentralized and Centralized Designs
in Mixed Sensitivity Problem,
Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Kobe, December 11-13, pp.7-8, 1996.
- Noboru Sebe,
Diagonal Dominance and Integrity,
Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Kobe, December 11-13, pp.1904-1909, 1996.
- Yoshiro Hamada, Seiichi Shin and Noboru Sebe,
A Design Method for Fault-Tolerant Control Systems
Based on H∞ Optimization,
Proceedings of 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
Kobe, December 11-13, pp.1918-1919, 1996.
Noboru Sebe and Toshiyuki Kitamori,
Design of Decentralized Stabilizing Controller
Based on a Coprime Factorization,
in Preprints of IFAC LSS '95,
London, July 11-13, 1, pp. 475-480, 1995.
(IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 28-10, pp.425-430, 1995)
- Reiko Tanaka, Seiichi Shin and Noboru Sebe,
Invitation to Dissymmetry
--- System Invariance and Basic Properties of Linear Systems ---,
in Preprints of IFAC Conference
on System Structure and Control,
Nantes, France, July 5-7, pp. 449-454, 1995.
(IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 28-8, pp.395-400, 1995)
- Reiko Tanaka, Seiichi Shin and Noboru Sebe,
Controllability of Autonomous Decentralized Systems,
in IEEE symposium on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation
(ETFA '94), Tokyo, November 6-10, pp. 265-272, 1994.
Noboru Sebe and Toshiyuki Kitamori,
On a Design of Multi-Compensator Configuration,
in Proceedings of the 1st Asian Control Conference,
Tokyo, July 27-30, 3, pp. 109-112, 1994.
Noboru Sebe and Toshiyuki Kitamori,
Reliable Stabilization Based on
a Multi-Compensator Configuration,
In Preprints of the 12th IFAC World Congress,
Sydney, July 20-25, 4, pp. 5-8, 1993.
(IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 26-2, Part 1, pp.5-8, 1993)
- 延山英沢, 瀬部昇,
コロナ社, 2015.
ISBN: 978-4-339-03321-2
- Noboru Sebe and Akinori Mochimaru,
Structure of Reliable Controllers,
In Systems and Human Science
--For Safety, Security, and Dependability--
(T. Arai, S. Yamamoto and K. Makino, eds.),
Elsevier (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), pp.187-200, March 2005.
- 蛯原義雄, 脇隼人, 瀬部昇,
計測と制御, 59-3, pp.218-225, 2020.
- 陶山貢市, 瀬部昇,
計測と制御, 42-4, pp.268-276, 2003.
- Jacques Bernussou and Noboru Sebe,
About Decentralized Feedback: A Survey,
9th IFAC/IFORS/IMACS/IFIP Symposium on Large Scale Systems:
Theory and Applications (LSS 2001),
Bucharest, Romania, July 18-20, pp.22-33, 2001.
- 瀬部昇, 北森俊行,
計測と制御, 34-6, pp.481-488, 1995.
- 瀬部昇,
編集後記(ミニ特集: 制御理論における未解決問題),
計測と制御, 42-2, p.150, 2003.
- 瀬部昇,
フランス国立科学技術センター システム解析設計研究所 制御グループ
システム/制御/情報, 45-10, p.607, 2001.
学位論文, 東京大学工学部計数工学科, 1994.
- 蛯原義雄, 本岡駿人, 脇隼人, 瀬部昇,
L2+ 誘導ノルムの解析 II: 下界値解析,
March, 2023.
- Hayato Waki and Noboru Sebe,
4th Kimura Best Paper Award of Asian Journal of Control,
for the paper titled
"Reduction of H∞ state feedback control problems
for the MIMO servo systems,"
October, 2021.
Last modified: Thu Sep 5 20:54:52 JST 2024